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General Conditions of Use

Very order taking under a product appearing within the shop on line of our Web site, the preliminary acceptance of these general conditions implies.
Consequently, the consumer recognizes perfectly informed being owing to the fact that its agreement concerning the contents of these general conditions does not require the handwritten signature of this document, insofar as the customer wishes to order on line the items presented within the framework of the shop of the Web site.
The consumer has faculty to safeguard or publish the present general conditions, being specified that as well the safeguard as the edition of this document raise of its only responsibility, these general conditions of sale being able to be likely to undergo modifications. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the site at the date of the order.

The Shop in line installation by the company Athifea Distribution within the framework of the Sale
on Line mentions following information:

Legal note allowing an identification specifies company Athifea Distribution
"presentation of the essential characteristics of the goods proposed;
"indication, in euros (including all taxes) of the price of the goods, like, if necessary, of the expenses of delivery;
"indication of the execution or delivery, modes of payment,;
"the existence of a right of retractation;
"period of validity of the offer or the price;
The whole of this information are presented in French language and English language. The consumer states to have the full legal capacity allowing him to engage with the title of these general conditions.

The present general conditions express the entirety of the obligations of the parts. In this direction, the consumer is considered to accept without reserve the entirety of the provisions envisaged under these general conditions of sale commits himself for its part respecting his role of retailer within the framework of the aforesaid conditions.

The present general conditions have the aim of defining the rights and obligations of
left within the framework the sale in line goods and services suggested by the company Athifea Distribution with the consumer.

This contract is formed by the following contractual documents, presented by hierarchical order
"present general conditions;
"the purchase order;
"delivery terms & return.
In the event of contradiction between the provisions contained in the documents of different row, the provisions of the document of higher row will prevail.

The present general conditions come into effect at the date of signature of the purchase order.
The present general conditions are concluded for the duration necessary to the supply from the goods and subscribed services, until the extinction of the guarantees.

Validation of the orders and electronic signature (law of March 13, 2000 on the electronic signature)

Purchase order signed of the consumer by "double click" constitutes an irrevocable acceptance which can be called into question only in the cases limitativement envisaged under the present general conditions of sale like "right of retractation" and "out-of-stock condition".
The "double click" associated with the procedure with authentification and nonrepudiation and with protection with the integrity with the messages constitutes an electronic signature. This electronic signature has value between the parts like a handwritten signature.

Contractual information will be the subject of a confirmation by e-mail way. Certain orders must be checked on behalf of our service checking. You will be in this case prevented by mail of the justifying documents to send in order to obtain the final validation of your order, reserves the right to cancel the order in the event of nonreception as of the these justifying documents or reception of documents considered to be nonin conformity.

Athifea Distribution recommends to the customer to preserve a trace paper or on machine readable medium reliable, the data relative to its order.
The customer must check the exhaustiveness and the conformity of the information which it provides to The latter could not be held responsible for possible errors of seizure and the consequences in terms of delay or error of delivery. In this context, all the expenses engaged for the reforwarding will be the responsibility of the customer.

Computerized registers, preserved in the information processing systems of the Athifea company
Distribution under reasonable conditions of safety, will be regarded as the evidence of the communications, the orders and the payments occurred between the parts.
The filing of the purchase orders and the invoices is carried out on a reliable support
and durable being able to be produced by way of proof.

The offers presented by the company Athifea Distribution are valid only within the limit of stocks available reserves the right to modify the set of the products according to constraints imposed by its suppliers.

1-A: The offered products are in conformity with the French legislation into force and the applicable standards in France. The photographs, texts, graphics information and characteristics reproduced and illustrating the products presented are not contractual. Consequently, Our responsibility could not be committed in the event of error or of omission in one of these photographs, texts or graphics information or characteristic of the products or in the event of modification of the characteristics of the products by the suppliers.

with: could not be held for person in charge for the inexecution of the contract concluded in the event of out-of-stock condition or unavailability of the product, cause beyond control, disturbance or all-out strike or partial in particular of the mail service and means of transport and/or communications, flood, fire will not incur any responsibility for all consequential damages because of present, trading loss, loss of profit, loss of chance, damage or expenses, which could occur because of purchase of the products. We remind to you that it is advisable to proceed to the safeguard of the data contained in the bought products, could not be responsible for all losses of data, files or of the damage defined in the preceding paragraph.

3-A: Bonds hypertexts can return towards other sites that the site "". releases any responsibility if the contents of these sites would contravene the legal and lawful provisions into force.

The prices are indicated in Euros and in Dollars and are applicable only to the dispatch date of validation of the order by the consumer.
They do not hold account of the expenses of delivery, invoicees in supplement, and indicated before the final validation of the order reserves the right to invoice with the consumer, a share in the expenses of port. This threshold as well as the required participation are clearly stipulated on our Site
The entirety of the payment must be carried out during the ordering, except offers specific indicated on the site. No moment, the versed sums could be regarded as down payments or installments.

To regulate his order, the consumer lays out, with his choice, of the whole of the modes of payment aimed within the purchase order, namely:

- Services of payment Made safe by Bank card:


Banking Cheque, only for France.

The consumer guarantees the company Athifea Distribution which it has the authorizations possibly necessary to use the mode of payment chosen by him, at the time of the validation of the purchase order.
The company Athifea Distribution reserves the right to suspend any management of order and any delivery in the event of refusal of authorization of payment per bank card on behalf of the officially accredited organizations or in the event of nonpayment.
The company Athifea Distribution reserves in particular the right to refuse to carry out a delivery or to deliver an order emanating with a consumer who would not have regulated completely or partially a preceding order or with which a litigation of payment would be in the course of administration.
The company Athifea Distribution set up a procedure of checking of the orders intended to make sure that no person uses the banking co-ordinates of another person without her knowledge. However, the consumer remains opinion that could not be held for person in charge for all fraudulent embezzlements or uses of an unspecified means of payment which would not have been detected by the procedure of checking.
Within the framework of this checking, it will be requested from the customer to address by fax or mall to the company Athifea Distribution a copy of an identity paper as well as a document in proof of residence. The order will be validated only after reception and checking by our services of the parts sent. In the absence of reception of these parts within 15 day following the placing of order, the latter famous will be automatically cancelled. preserves the property full and whole market products to perfect cashing of all the sums which had by the consumer within the framework of his order, expenses and inclusive of tax.
The transfer of property of a good bought to by the consumer to a third person, will not be dealt with by the company Athifea Distribution.
Only the purchaser of origin of this good can claim to reach the clauses of these general conditions of sale.

The order is taken into account within 48 Hours as from the day following that where the ordering of the consumer was definitively validated (average of received payment and procedure of checking of order carried out). The time of forwarding can varied 3 days
at 12 working days according to the Manufacture and inventory position in progress.
In the event of unavailability of the ordered product, in particular because of our suppliers, the consumer will be as soon as possible informed and will have the possibility for it of cancelling his order. The consumer will have then the choice to ask either for refunding, if necessary, of the sums paid in the 30 days at the latest of their payment, or an exchange of product of characteristics and equivalent price, if our Company is able to get it.
In the event of impossibility of exchange, reserves the right to cancel the order of the customer and to refund the versed sums.
Information on the availability of the products being transmitted by our suppliers, the unavailability of the product could not urge the responsibility for nor to open right to damages for the customer.

The products are delivered to the address indicated by the customer on the purchase order.
The customer must check exhaustiveness and the conformity of the information which it provides to The latter could not be held responsible for possible errors of seizure and the consequences in terms of delay or error of delivery. In this context, all the expenses engaged for the reforwarding of the order will be entirely the responsibility of the customer. could not be held for person in charge for delays of delivery because of errors or ascribable disturbances with the conveyors (all-out strike or partial in particular of the mail service and means of transport and/or communications).
The consumer is held to check the state of the packing of the goods to the delivery and to announce the damage which had to the conveyor on the delivery order, like at the company Athifea Distribution, within two day wrought.
The consumer will be informed by mall of the imminence of a sending concerning his order. In the event of delay of delivery of more than three days compared to the date that we indicated to you in the mall of forwarding, we suggest checking near your post office which the parcel is not in authority, then to announce us if necessary this delay by calling us by telephone or by sending a mall to us.
We will then contact the Post office to make start an investigation. A Poste investigation can last up to 21 days wrought as from the date of its opening. So during this time, the product is found, it will be rebooked immediately in your residence. If on the other hand the product is not found at the end of the 21 days deadline wrought of investigation, the Post office regards the parcel as lost. It is only at the end of this time that we can return you a product of replacement, to our expenses. If the ordered products were not available any more at this time, we would refund you assembling it of the products concerned with the loss of the conveyor.

Problems of delivery because of the conveyor
Any anomaly concerning the delivery (damages, produced missing compared to the delivery order, parcel damaged, produced cassés…) will have to be imperatively indicated on the delivery order in the form of "handwritten reserves", accompanied by the signature of the customer.
In the case of a sending carried out by the Post office, if the parcel arrives open or damaged (in particular with the presence of the yellow sctoch "the Post office") it is essential that the customer makes establish by the factor or the post office of which it depends a "report on spoliation" (report 170) so that can file an investigation and proceedings of compensation.
The consumer will have in parallel to confirm this anomaly by addressing to the conveyor in the two (2) following working days the delivery date a mail recommended with acknowledgement of delivery exposing the aforementioned complaints.
The consumer will have simultaneously to transmit copy of this mail (with the original of the "report of spoliation" if necessary) by simple letter to: Athifea Distribution, Foch Avenue, 22, 13004 Marseille (France)
Any complaint arrived except time will be rejected.

Errors of delivery - Products nonin conformity
1-A: The customer will have to formulate near the company Athifea Distribution, the very same day of the delivery or at the latest the first wrought day following the delivery, any complaint of error of delivery and/or nonconformity of the products in kind or in quality compared to the indications being reproduced on the purchase order. Any complaint formulated beyond this time will be rejected without possibility of recourse.

1-B: The formulation of this complaint near the company Athifea Distribution will be able
to be made by Form of "Contact" on our Site or by email:

1-C: Any complaint not carried out in the rules defined above and the time limits could not be taken into account and will release the company Athifea Distribution of any responsibility with respect to the consumer.

1-D: With reception of the complaint, the company Athifea Distribution will allot a number of return products concerné(s) and will communicate it to the consumer. The return of a product can take place only after the attribution of this number of agreement according to the step presented above.

1-E: Very produced to exchange or refund will have to be turned over in the 8 wrought days according to the reception of the agreement of return to the company Athifea Distribution in its entirety (accessories and notes included/understood) and in its packing of origin in perfect state, in Postal Sending or Fedex with insurance covering the commercial value of the turned over products, with the following address: Athifea Distribution, Foch Avenue, 22, 13004 Marseille (France). To be accepted, any return will have to be announced as a preliminary to the Customer Service of the LLC Athifea Distribution

The expenses of sending advanced by the consumer will be refunded to him by the LLC Athifea Distribution (on documents in proof and within the limit of the cost of a sending in recommended Postal Sending), except if it would prove that the taken again product does not correspond to the declaration of origin made by the customer in the good of return.
Fault of respect of the procedure above no complaint for nonconformity or vice apparent of the delivered products could be accepted.

RIGHT OF RETRACTATION grants to the customer a time retractation some 15 days calendar to turn over, with its expenses, the products not being appropriate to him. This time court as from the day of delivery of the ordering of the consumer. Any return will have to be announced as a preliminary near the Customer service of the LLC Athifea Distribution by email. The product will have to be turned over in Postal sending or Fedex with insurance of the commercial value of the products. In all the cases the return is carried out with the risks of the consumer. recommends to the customer to carry out the return of its products in Postal Sending or Fedex provided with a recommendation or a complementary insurance guaranteeing to him, if necessary, the compensation for the products to height of their real commercial value in the event of spoliation or of loss of these goods. recommends to the consumer on-to pack packing of origin of its products, because only will be taken again the products returned in their entirety (Accessories, Lingerie, Items, etc), in their packing of origin, the unit having to be intact and in a perfect state of resale.
Very product which would have been damaged, incomplete, or whose packing of origin will have been deteriorated, neither will be refunded nor exchanged.
This right of retractation is exerted without penalty, except for the expenses of return which remain with the load of the consumer. On the assumption of the exercise of the right of retractation, the consumer has the choice to ask either for the refunding of the paid sums, or an exchange of an amount are equivalent to the naps versed or, if necessary, with banking complement, the expenses of Re-forwarding remaining with the load of the consumer.
In the event of exercise of the right of retractation, will make all the efforts to refund the consumer within 15 day. However, taking into account the character of the market products, this time could be extended to 30 days, in particular when the product needs a technical checking by the Customers Service of (these products having to be tested as a preliminary).
The customer will then be refunded by cheque or by Wire transfert.

In the case of a defective product at the latest within 30 days as from the day following that where the ordering of the consumer was definitively validated (average of received payment and procedure of checking of order carried out), the customer is invited to contact the service customers which will indicate the procedure to him to turn over its product. No return will be accepted without prior agreement materialized by the emission of a number and a good of agreement of return. This agreement of return is valid throughout one 8 day wrought. As from its attribution, the defective product will have to be turned over to in its packing of origin, complete (with notes, accessories, etc), the unit protected by a on-packing making mention in a visible way of the number of return communicated by, the good of return being joined in the parcel before the sending.
All the expenses and risks related to the return of the defective product are the responsibility of the customer.
All product whose guarantee period would be expired will not be dealt with by

None of the two parts will have failed in its contractual obligations, insofar as their execution is delayed, blocked or prevented by a fortuitous occurence or a cause beyond control.
Will be regarded as fortuitous occurence or cause beyond control done everything or circumstances irresistible, external with the parts, unforeseeable, inevitable, independent of the will of the parts and which could not be prevented by these last, despite everything the reasonably possible efforts.
The part touched by such circumstances will warn of it the other in the ten working days according to the date on which it will have been informed of it.
The two parts will approach then, within impossibility, one month except due to the case of absolute necessity, to examine the incidence of the event and to be appropriate of the conditions under which the execution of the contract will be continued.
If the case of absolute necessity A one duration higher than three months, the present general conditions could be cancelled by the injured part.
In way express, are regarded as case of absolute necessity or fortuitous occurences, in addition to those usually retained by the decisions of the courts and the American or French courts:
"the blocking of the provisioning or means of transport, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, the lightning;
"the stop of the telecommunications networks or difficulties specific to the external telecommunications networks to the customers.

If one or more stipulations of these general conditions are held for nonvalid or are declared such pursuant to a law, of a payment or following a final decision of a court of jurisdiction, the other stipulations will keep all their force and their range.

The fact for one of the parts of not prevailing itself of a failure by the other part with the one of the obligations aimed under the present general conditions could not be interpreted for the future as a renunciation of the obligation in question.

In the event of difficulty of interpretation between one of the titles appearing at the head of the clauses, and one of the clauses, the titles will be declared non-existent.

The present general conditions are subjected to the law governing the American Companies.
It is thus for the rules of funds as for the rules of form.
In the event of litigation or of complaint, the consumer will apply in priority to the company Athifea Distribution
to obtain a friendly solution.

In accordance with the Data-processing law and Freedoms on January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, of correction, modification and suppression concerning the data which concern you. You can exert this right by sending a mail to us to the following address:

Athifea Distribution LLC - Email : (France)

The treatment automated of personal information on our Site was declared near the National Commission of Data processing and Freedoms.

The site is a publication of Athifea Distribution LLC
For all information and questions, our Customers Service is at your disposal:

- By the Form of Contact: connection on our site on our page "CONTACT".
- By email with

Athifea Distribution LLC

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